Cancer Ascendant 2022

Yearly Predictions 2022
Cancer Ascendant 2022
17 Dec 2021

Cancer Ascendant 2022 Horoscope Predictions

Cancer Ascendant 2022 Yearly Predictions

As we all know that Jupiter is passing through Aquarius and will also pass Pisces in 2022 wherein Saturn is already moving in Capricorn however Rahu and Ketu continue in Taurus and Scorpio till April and will move in Aries and Libra in rest of the year Now, we are going to predict general results for all ascendants in 2022.Though these predictions are generalized and made for all the man and woman falling under the specific Gemini ascendant / lagna. Readers must always bear in mind that these predictions are common to all and may vary on the basis of other peculiarities of an individual’s horoscope. But it is very sure that the pointed areas will be receiving favors or adversities, intensity may be varying depending upon individual’s horoscope.

CancerAscendant 2022

No year can be totally bad of good for anyone in this earth, if it is good in many way but can be bad on or other way likewise for the bad as well however good or bad matters a lot on our perception and priority of the same.

For Cancer ascendant 2022 is going to be mixed in outcome, Cancer ascendant native will feel inclination and interest in mystical, occult sciences, they will also try to explore secret side of the religion. Till May, Cancer native will find chance to visit people who are terminally ill. If there is any disease related to secret parts and treatment via surgery is needed then success will be foreseen. Even if Cancer natives is suffering from any major disease  then there will not be aggravation atleast till May. Till this time if even native were to face any tense situation they can be assured that it will not be going to extremes. Till First half of the year old debts can be easily cleared at least partially.

After first quarter of the year native with Cancer ascendant 2022 may face problems when work and career is concerned, nonetheless after April they face difficulties in career but it can also give sudden jump in career or new job opportunities as well. Business person can suffer losses, Cancer natives may think as in there ideas are not working the way they are expecting. Troubles and difficulties while getting along with superiors or bosses which can result into not getting due monetary benefits or promotions on time, there are also chances that one may loss of reputation in the organization, many caes impulsive resignation will be seen. Cancer natives will find difficult to stay at one place, all will be seemingly good from outside but will be problematic outside. Travels will also be trouble causing to the native.

In the next half of the year Cancer ascendant 2022 natives can meet guru or mentor or guide If one is searching for them, it is highly likely that during this time Cancer native can meet someone who can help them move ahead in spiritual and religious journey. Relationship with father/guru/mentor to be going cordial and new way of looking at critical behavior of father/mentor/guru etc., if spoiled relation then will turn positive and helpful. Traditions and religious activities will fetch happiness the natives of Cancer. Visiting religious places and temples will be done often and many case this period before May can attract religious travel to shrines and holy places.

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During April-May there are chances that any quick new relationship can begin, can get chance of love romance, love interest etc. but can give troubles as well. This time will be eventful in terms of career.

Time duration between mid-October till mid-November there are chances that mother, father’s family (uncle/aunt etc), may have any health issues  or any sort of mental/ physical trouble can bother them hence care need to be taken. and from mid-April till mid-May wife may have any sort of health issues or strained relation with spouse.

Nonetheless these natives should be careful from end October till first week of December as can attract health issues to brother, trouble in vehicles, landed property, chance of place can happen. If dasha and other supports are there in the Cancer natives’ chart then after April change of place can happen.

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Cancer Lagna Remedies 2022 : Worshiping Lord Rahu  and Lord Vishnu will be of great help this year Cancer Ascendant males and females.





Iti Shubham

Namo Narayan


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