Effects of Rahu in 7th House in Horoscope
As per Vedic Astrology, major effects of Rahu in 7th house from lagna (ascendant) in birth or navamsa chart in horoscope of all ascendants males and females. Here, you will read about most prominent impact of Rahu in the fourth bhava on marriage, marriage age, married life, love marriage, spouse appearance, husband, wife, love partners, relationship, business, venture, disease etc on male and female of all ascendent.
The intensity of result on above seventh house significance due to Rahu (North Node) varies with rising sign, conjunctions, transit etc.
Results of Rahu in 7th House
- Planet Rahu in 7th house in horoscope is generally not appreciated and not good at all. Afflicted or adverse Rahu in 7th bhava Rahu gives separation from relatives. Both boys and girls will have much publicised love affairs, everyone in family and society will know about this affairs. These native will have multiple relationship, not sacrosanct about love matter provided ascendant, 5th house and 9th house are not afflicted.
- Marriage harmony is highly disturbed in case of Rahu in seventh house for both male and female, trouble to and trouble through spouse cannot be neglected. Husband or wife always suspicious about the character of native. Love marriage also very common especially in Indian culture context with this placement of Rahu in horoscope.
- The native with rahu in seventh house from lagna or navamsa will be idle, driven by lethargy and complacency, wanderer, short tempered and faces hindrance in every work.
- As per ancients vedic texts seventh house Rahu person are very much prone to suffer from disease like piles and diabetes. Problems in internal reproductive organs are seen.
- Love affairs or extramarital affairs are not discarded, these males and females interested in inter caste or inter religion love marriages, if highly afflicted exists then native elopes for love marriage against the wish of family.
- In health Spouse of both male and female with rahu in 7th house suffers physically continuously with one or other abdominal and reproductive organ issues, sickly disposition.
- Often person with rahu in 7th house, secrets or facts are concealed in marriage and will be disclosed only after marriage and that will hamper the trust and mutual faith in relationship. Often such issues leads to divorce and separation if saving factors are not present in horoscope.
- Generally, man and woman having rahu in seventh house from ascendant in horoscope have have secret love affairs which may be before marriage or may occur later after marriage.
Find out more about Rahu in our articles
” Love Marriage Astrology : A Planetary Panorama”
“Matrimony / Marriage : A 7th House Karmic Legacy”
Impact of Venus & Jupiter on Rahu in 7th House
- Generally, these person are immodest, sleeps long and adulterous, widow, divorcee connection, love marriage inclination. Venusian influence worsens the case making the native go wayward. Only Jupiter influence can control the strong urges of the native.
These Remedies for Rahu in 7th House in horoscope can be done by natives of all ascendants during Rahu Mahadasha or Antardasha or adverse transit, these remedies will save person from all adverse effects of Rahu on marriage, career, business, health etc
Words of Wisdom
We suggest, everyone should get their horoscope evaluated with competent astrologer to check the impact of Rahu in 7th bhava including spouse appearance, married life, etc. Because there are many other points to ponder over and here we have touched a general aspect of Rahu in seventh bhava. We are trying to create to overview about this lengthy topic and will be delivering more on time to time.
Namo Narayan
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