9 Effects of Ketu in 12th House in Horoscope
As per Vedic Astrology, placement of Ketu in 12th house from lagna (ascendant) in Birth or Navamsa chart of horoscope considered as very auspicious and good for both males and females. Along with good effects it has few bad effects which adversely person during Ketu Dasha ((South Node Period) in all stages of life. You will read detailed prediction about person with twelfth house Ketu regarding married life, foreign travel, moksha, last birth, salvation, spirituality, personality, health, career, wealth, property for all ascendants.
First of all, Ketu in 12th house is having different signification which cannot be easily understood by the commoners because it is just beyond the parlance of what we a normal folks perceive about life like having life just to enjoy the worldly pleasures, fulfill all our ambitions and accept or encounter least sufferings in any form.
Results of Ketu in 12th house
Spirituality & Moksha – South Node or Ketu being a spiritual and religious planet, when placed in the 12th bhava of birth or navamsa chart. This twelfth house signifies exit from the land of mortals do carries some hidden inner meanings which cannot be understood by the worldly man. Actually, this placement of Ketu is at first glance is glorified in vedic scriptures and leads the native towards final emancipation, salvation, moksha etc. If ketu is exalted or in good strength then native will be God fearing, interest in spiritual practices and worship of god.
Karmas – In our experience we have seen people with Ketu in 12th house for all ascendants either gives sufferings or delights to the native as to finish the pending karmas whatever is remaining in his account good or bad and then prepare him/her to be liberated from the bondages of rebirth.
Material World – Ketu here induces male & females either with considerable inclination towards spirituality, religion, God etc. Person inclination towards religion and spirituality because of tremendous sufferings they undergo in their last birth or life which makes them such and is certainly a part of Maya of almighty beyond our perception. Thus, mostly saints, sadhus, enlightened persons, etc. do have Ketu in the 12th house which signifies their exit from the material world to spiritual world or vaikuntha dhaam.
Person Behaviour – Vedic Scriptures depicts as Ketu in the twelfth house of lagna or navamsa chart awards man and woman with unpredictable, wavering mind and restlessness, situation becomes worse if Ketu is in weak or debilitated condition in horoscope.
Foreign Travel & Settlement : Twelfth house Ketu gives person opportunity for foreign settlement due to job, business, earning livelihood, studies, deputation which may be temporary or permanent or at least resides away from the motherland. Other factors should be checked in horoscope before arriving at any conclusion regarding foreign travel and settlement.
Travelling – Native undergoes much travelling in pretext of anything such as job, business, service, spiritual context etc.
Career – Mostly native with Ketu in 12th house serves the government organizations if not afflicted by malefics and debilitated.
Property & Society – With Ketu in 12th house loss of property inherited by the native is observed, also attraction or befriended with low class and servile class gentry.
Wealth & Learning – Native with Ketu in Twelfth house may be affluent or at least falls in upper middle class and learned in scriptures, sastras etc., good at debate and discussions if benefic influence is there on 12th house.
Health – If South Node present in 12th house in navamsa or birth chart with affliction then makes males and females suffers from diseases in lower abdomen, eyes and feet at large in whole span of life. Health condition will depend on extent of affliction to Ketu.
Remedies for Ketu
Simple Effective Remedies for Planet Ketu in 12th house
Words of Wisdom for Ketu Related Predictions
In above article portrayal of a Ketu in 12th house effects and attributes are extremely general in nature & are influenced by the various factors such as planet occupying the house, aspect of planets on house, their strength etc. Above Ketu results are the general common points which are basic traits of Planet occupying a particular house hence should not be applied bluntly and blindly merely seeing the sign & planet occupying the house .
We suggest, every man and woman should get their horoscope evaluated with competent astrologer to check the flaws and doshas etc. because there are many other points to ponder over and we have touched a general aspect because of length of article and writing. We are trying to create to overview about this lengthy topic and will be delivering more on time to time.