Less Know Facts Scorpio Ascendant in Vedic Astrology
As per ancient Vedic Astrology, Scorpio Ascendant man and woman has many exceptional qualities. Scorpio is the eighth sign of the natural zodiac. When Scorpio becomes rising sign, meaning it occupies the first house of the chart, induces its sublimity in the native. Person having Vrishchik Lagna (Scorpio Ascendant) in horoscope inherits some fundamental basic traits from almighty which renders native to play his role in this world of mortals.
The characteristics of the sign will be clearly reflected in actions reactions profoundly at large and will be distinguishable as the ascendant is our body which acts as a tool for performing our role destined in this life.
General traits of Scorpio Ascendant
- The Scorpio ascendant or Scorpio Rising native will have tall figure, stout stature, bean fed deceptively oriented broad fierce eyes. Joyful, frisky and youthful appearance, proportionally broad face and forehead along with curly hairs. They have wheatish, reddish brown complexion. They generally appear to be youthful and influential, handsome forceful personality with prominent brows and discerning faculties.
- Masculine, less speaking, oceanic eyes, mordant, satiric, subtle mind, independent, fickle mind, least influential, entertainment, adventurous, ruthless, pitiless, excitement, optimism, forceful, intelligent, sensual, beautiful are the adjectives that should be included in the eulogy of Scorpio Ascendant natives.
- Females belonging to Scorpio usually carry masculine built and thought process more often excess of male hormone is usually seen which leads to the growth of facial hairs.
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- Vrishchika Lagna man and woman are pleasure seeking, cunning, fickle minded, intolerant, independent spirit, rude, lewd, venerable to easily excitement yet generous in character. Generally, has balanced health and but application of mind is not intact & good usually in the native.
- This scorpio rising person will feels strong in day as compared to night.
- The people with Scorpio Ascendant in horoscope actually have strong inclination towards sensual pleasures & things, ironically, could narrate the stories, philosophies before others to avert indulgence in such activities, a good legman, correspondent .
- Loves to make friends from every sphere of the society. Unconventional towards customs and traditions, unorthodox color over the perception of society can be traced easily in behavior.
- Scorpio ascendant natives are excitement lover, adventurous, speaks only after weighing words, not easily influential by others. Domestic life is disturbed due to tensions arising out of his hot temperament and brusque behavior, demanding more from the partner and problems in the generative system is also one the reason behind marital disharmony. Mars being the lord of Scorpio rising.
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- From Health point of view The Scorpio rising sign people suffer generally from troubles arising due to excess heat or hot disposition of the body. Prone to high blood pressure, piles in later life, acidity, sluggish bowel, gastroenteritis etc. and blood infections causing scars, boils rashes oftenly. Overall native has a strong physical and mental endeavor and endurance at large.
- In prospect of Career & Interests, Scorpio ascendant people have natural inclination towards music, fine arts, dance and drama, enterprising skills, patronizing ability and could farewell in engineering fields also. They can be good be a good correspondent in media and news agency, expert in writing skills, farewell if they work as a conversationalist.
- Scorpio ascendant native should cultivate within themselves a habit not to involve much in sensual pleasure and luxuries of life but try to exploit their abilities and capabilities to explore various other verticals and horizons of life which they can.
Scorpio Ascendant Lord Mars placement in different houses of chart –
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the ascendant or Lagna or 1st house:
Native loves to be independent, famous in his/her circle of friend- family and community. Native will be self-made with his/her sheer dint of perseverance, consistent efforts and exertions. In many cases it is seen that native may have two wives or such kind of conditions of illegitimacy chances intensify when lagna happens to be of dual nature (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 2nd house:
Bestows native with generosity, warmth, decent heart and of adorable character who is respected in society. Gains through enemies and thus troubles too. Dedicated towards responsibilities and duties in regard to family, kith and kin. Wealthy and possess beautiful eyes.
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 3rd house:
Valor, courage will be the marked feature of this native, inherent capability to take charge and initiate. Fortune favors the native in all endeavors. Lagna lord posited in 3rd house makes the native intelligent, satisfied and joyful. Native will be adorable and respectful in the society.
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 4th house:
This is the good place for the ascendant lord to land up, signifies peace of mind, wealth, famous, domestic happiness, harmonies among siblings with clear and fair complexion. Native possess nice mannerism, etiquettes. Native possess vehicles, properties and fixed assets which will be self-earned or through mother or maternal side.
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 5th house:
This placement of lagna lord is considered auspicious gives health, wealth and prosperity. Attracts political and support from government, makes person somewhat short tempered and serving others. Earns through trade, commerce and diplomatic services. But trouble to children and not much happiness through them if afflicted.
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 6th house:
Not appreciated in terms of placement of lagna lord. Native may be having troubled health all along life with one or other types of diseases. Immunity system is not so much strengthened. Yet native will courageous and fortunate, intelligent. Debts (monetary or karmic) may be troubling native but met and liquidated. Native will be good at service, can join armed forces or can be a doctor.
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 7th house:
Usually denotes disharmony in married life, trouble to partner is indicated subservient to the parents-in laws. If it is fortified well then it could indicate material gains, settlement in foreign land and native occupies much wealth there. Native later in life turn to be detached from family and society or sometimes renounces. Travels a lot in life. He/she has to approach partner for marriage .
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna Lagna lord is placed in the 8th house:
Again, not good for health, in the beginning health may be sound but as the time passes one or other health issues will pop up and dependency on medicine will increase. Native will be learned, good at speculations and will be good in occultism, para vidya as well. Native will be of helping nature, religious and dies peacefully but suddenly.
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 9th house:
Good position for ascendant lord, makes person fortunate in all endeavors. Father will be rich and famous. Bestows native with good amount of paternal maternal properties, beautiful, well cultured spouse and children. Native will be having religiously oriented mind, will take pride in helping and protecting others. Native will be good in communication skills and oratory.
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 10th house:
Bestows one with excellent professional success and achievements along with accolades and acumen. Native will be blessed with material gains, properties, vehicle, good status. Makes native good scholar, learned and well established in life with good wife and children.
If Scorpio Rising / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 11th house:
This is also a good position for ascendant lord to occupy. Native receives name fame and honors in due course of life. Native will be good at finances and in terms of wealth and prosperity. Gains in business or commercial trade can be predicted. Overall it is a good position if rest of the factors too supporting.
If Scorpio Ascendant / Vrischik Lagna lord is placed in the 12th house:
Native with lagna lord in 12th house is having good public presence and is dedicated towards social and public welfare. Native is emotionally and mentally balanced . Not considered good for health and earning point of view, believed to bring over expenses in life, loss of ancestral properties and business etc.
Words of Wisdom for Scorpio Rising Sign
These are the general points which are basic traits of rising sign in ascendant but should not be applied bluntly and blindly only seeing the sign rising in ascendant as it is surely influenced by the other factors such as planet occupying the ascendant, aspect of planets on ascendant, their strength etc.Suppose to say,If Aries ascendant occupied by Saturn or aspected by Saturn then certainly the complexion of the native will not only have blood red but also have darkish dint, likewise in character also there will be influence of Saturn so on and so forth
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